Long live the age of the apartment gallery!

Apartment galleries have a special place in our heart. Norte Maar’s apartment gallery at the corner of Wyckoff Avenue and Suydam Street in Bushwick, served not only as the foundation of our visual art program but also a historic role in the development of the Bushwick art scene from 2006-2016. Alternative art spaces play a vital role in facilitating conversation, building community, and inspiring creative collaborations. Apartment galleries exist between the artist studio and the public gallery. Artist Lynn Sullivan hosts regular pop-up exhibitions in her studio and home.

Four Letter Word Projects is an ongoing series of one-night shows in a variety of mostly private apartment spaces organized by artist Lynn Sullivan. The shows bring art and artists together to produce a conversation between works and people. Chili is served and old and new friends are always welcome!

Sullivan, who has a regular teaching job and full-time artist practice, has facilitated a number of themed exhibitions in various alternative spaces including her apartment. Last week, she opening a show titled BASE (with Vince Contarino, Ben Dowell, Zachary Fabri, Yashua Klos, Ellie Krakow, Erika Mahr, Esperanza Mayobre, Emmy Mikelson, Dominic Nurre, Claudia Peña Salinas, Kristof Wickman and Audra Wolowiec) and this weekend, November 20, she will open a show called RISE (with Sarah Bednarek, Erik den Breejen, Maria Calandra, Andy Cross, Rico Gatson, Ben Godward, Susan Hamburger, Becky Kinder, Jenny Lee, Elissa Levy, David McBride, Björn Meyer-Ebrecht, William Powhida, Birgit Rathsman, Elizabeth Tubergen and Danielle Webb).

And as always, keep an eye out for events and exhibitions hosted by some of our favorite apartment galleries: Centotto, Parlour, Motel, and Orgy ParkAbout Lynn Sullivan.

Lynn Sullivan is a New York-based artist working in video, sculpture and interdisciplinary projects. Her work has been shown internationally. Recent solo exhibitions include Super Impose at Baruch College New Media Artspace (New York, NY), Crevice Bouquet at Inside Out Museum (Beijing, China) and Field Notes, a mile-long installation, in Groton, Vermont commissioned by Burlington City Arts. She is currently teaching in the Department of Art and Art History at Hunter College.

Peter Freeby

I design and build books, periodicals, brand materials, websites and marketing for a range of artists, non profits and educational programs including Elizabeth Murray, Jack Tworkov, Edith Schloss, Janice Biala, Joan Witek, George McNeil, Judy Dolnick, Jordan Eagles, John Silvis, Diane Von Furstenberg, The Generations Project, The Koch Institute, The McCandlish Phillips Journalism Institute and the Dow Jones News Fund.


NM: End of the Year!


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