Audra Wolowiec featured in The New Criterion

In the most recent issue of cultural review The New Criterion, editor James Panero featured Brooklyn-based Audra Wolowiec's sculptural installation Concrete Sound in his monthly column Gallery Chronicle. Originally appearing in the January 2012 print edition of the journal, Panero's piece offered a survey of successful recent shows presented by several Bushwick favorites, Norte Maar's penultimate exhibition of last year- featuring Wolowiec, Man Bartlett, and Lindsey Walt- among them."Woloweic’s concrete forms resonated with the room’s sound environment, at least metaphorically so," Panero writes of the work. He goes on to comment on the Bushwick arts scene at large, noting that "by going local, Bushwick does not rail against the art establishment of museums, auction houses, mega-collectors, and celebrity Chelsea galleries," but rather, "sets up a viable, alternative culture of arts patronage." He hails Wolowiec's project, commissioned by Norte Maar, as a stellar example of "how high concept can interact with the low-tech limitations of the neighborhood."   

Peter Freeby

I design and build books, periodicals, brand materials, websites and marketing for a range of artists, non profits and educational programs including Elizabeth Murray, Jack Tworkov, Edith Schloss, Janice Biala, Joan Witek, George McNeil, Judy Dolnick, Jordan Eagles, John Silvis, Diane Von Furstenberg, The Generations Project, The Koch Institute, The McCandlish Phillips Journalism Institute and the Dow Jones News Fund.

Gʉilty / (NOT) Guilty in the Courier Life and Bushwick Daily


Gʉilty / (NOT) Guilty previewed in OZON Magazine