Beat Nite 10

jason andrew at beat nite 10.jpg

Beat Nite 10:
art spaces and galleries stay open late
spaces curated by Austin Thomas
produced by Jason Andrew
organized by Norte Maar
poster by Andrew Hurst
media sponsor Hyperallergic

Fri, Feb 28, 2014, 6-10pm

After party at The Narrows, 10pm-12am

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Beat Nite …the most underground, exciting, and fiercely independent pockets of the New York art world. -ARTINFO

Beat Nite… Best Neighborhood-Wide Gallery Nite. -L Magazine

This program is supported, in part, by public funds from the New York City Department of Cultural Affairs in partnership with the City Council.

Media Sponsor:

Related Press:
Bushwick Daily, Feb 18, 2014: The Beat Nite Love Fest is Coming, by Allison Galgiani
Time Out New York, Feb 20, 2014: Critic's Choice, The Best Things To Do This Week: Beat Nite!
Norte Maar, Feb 26, 2014: History in the Making: Beat Nite 10 and an interview with Signal, by David Levesley
Bushwick Daily, Feb 27, 2014: Beat Nite Packs a Punch This Friday! Here's How to Do it Right, by Allison Galgiani
Art F City, Feb 28, 2014: Don't Miss Beat Nite, by Paddy Johnson
L Magazine, Mar 3, 2014: Beat Nite 10 a photo essay by Maureen Drennan
Bushwick Daily, Mar 5, 2014: Speed-Dating with Art: Fast Times at Bushwick Beat Nite, by Danielle Kalamaras
Left Bank Art Blog, Mar 10, 2014: Beat Nite Bushwick/Ridgewood, by Charles Kessler

__________BUSHWICK, NY — Jason Andrew and Norte Maar bring back the late night in Bushwick with the tenth issue of Beat Nite featuring just 10 art spaces selected by guest curator Bushwick original, Austin Thomas owner of Pocket Utopia. Beat Nite will be held Friday, February 28 with selected spaces will be open 6-10pm followed by a huge after party at The Narrows (the original home of Austin Thomas's project space Pocket Utopia). Beat Nite is sponsored by Hyperallergic. This program is supported, in part, by public funds from the New York City Department of Cultural Affairs in partnership with the City Council.

Austin Thomas, artist and gallerist (gallerartist) has selected a tour night of Bushwick / Ridgewood art spaces that ensures viewers a chance to experience the "buzz of creativity and the aura of being at the vanguard of contemporary production."

My intention is not to define a night of neighborhood art openings but rather to collaborate on a happening of novel experiences in the broadest sense to include painting, sculpture, drawing and a wide range of visual and creative practices. — AT

From apartment gallery to alternative space, artist run spaces to established galleries, this installment of Beat Nite has it all! First time participants Orgy Park, Parallel Art Space, and Studio 10 will mix it up with venerable Beat Nite participants like English Kills.

Beat Nite made its neighborhood debut in February 2009, featuring all of Bushwick’s alternative art spaces and galleries—at the time, only seven. The event grew into a biannual occurrence offering an awesome neighborhood-wide event that many have labeled “half art stroll, half bar crawl.” With over 50 galleries and alternative spaces now in Bushwick/Ridgewood, since 2012 a special guest curator has been invited to select just 10 spaces from the community’s many great offerings.

Selected Spaces__________________________

Norte Maar (Host Space)
83 Wyckoff Avenue
Brooklyn, NY  11237

70 Jefferson Street
Brooklyn, NY  11206

Auxiliary Projects
2 St. Nicolas Avenue
Brooklyn, NY  11237

250 Moore Street, #108
Brooklyn, NY  11206

English Kills
114 Forrest Street, #1
Brooklyn, NY  11206

Orgy Park
237 Jefferson Street 1B
Brooklyn, NY 11237

Parallel Art Space
17-17 Troutman Street #220
Ridgewood, NY 11385


92 St. Nicholas Avenue
Brooklyn, NY  11237

260 Johnson Avenue
Brooklyn, NY  11206

Studio 10
56 Bogart Street
Brooklyn, NY  11206

464 Seneca Avenue
Ridgewood, NY  11385




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