Beyond the Bedroom

Related Press:

Paul D’Agostino. “Art Picks from Print,” The L Magazine, Aug 17, 2012. (PDF)

Holland Cotter. “The Latest Vibe Moved to Brooklyn,” The New York Times, Jun 7, 2012. (PDF)

an exhibition for the summer
featuring art from the collection of Jason Andrew

on view through Aug 2012

Norte Maar
83 Wyckoff Avenue, #1B
Brooklyn, NY 11237

Directions: L Train to Dekalb Stop. Norte Maar is on the corner of Wyckoff Avenue + Suydam Street.

Hours: Open by appointment only: 646-361-8512_

Bushwick, Brooklyn — Norte Maar is pleased to present a  group exhibition for the summer featuring art from the collection of Jason Andrew. The exhibition features artists from Bushwick and beyond.

A long-time advocate for the arts, Jason Andrew has been an active figure in the New York art world for many years moving in and out of many circles. While much of his collection has been limited to display in his bedroom, as championed recently by Holland Cotter in The New York Times, this is the first time his collection will hang outside the bedroom taking over the entire Norte Maar Gallery.

The exhibition will feature signature works by Man Bartlett, Daniel Brustlein, Sharon Butler, Paul D’Agostino, Hermine Ford, Ryan Michael Ford, Rico Gatson, Ben Godward, Cooper Holoweski, Andrew Hurst, Norman Jabaut, Kirsten Jensen, Ellen Letcher, Amy Lincoln, Bjoern Meyer-Ebrecht, Thomas Micchelli, Brooke Moyse, Amy Elkins, Alex Prager, Mario Naves, Larry Poons, Cathy Nan Quinlan, Oliver Ralli, John Silvis, Austin Thomas, Julie Torres, Jack Tworkov among others. Also on view will be selections from Jason Andrew's zine collection as well as works from his historic dance photography collection.

"But the gallery's permanent attraction is a classy display, hung floor to ceiling in Mr. Andrew's bedroom, of artists he particularly likes..."

— Holland Cotter, The New York Times


To be a Lady


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