sound series: a new print edition published by NM



Norte Maar is pleased to announce the organization's first print edition commission by Audra Wolowiec. "sound series" is a set of four prints remastered from their original collage printed by Furthermore, Brooklyn, and published in an edition of 25 (four prints per edition). Each series is signed and number verso and comes complete in an archival sleeve handmade by the artist.

"sound series," 2016
digital prints from original collagen archival cold press paper
printed by Furthermore, Brooklyn
edition of 25, 4 prints per edition
16 x 12 in. each

Recently profiled in BOMB Magazine, Audra Wolowiec is an interdisciplinary artist whose work oscillates between sculpture, installation, text and performance with an emphasis on sound and the material qualities of language. Her poetic sound installations and experimental language scores often use the gap, space or breath in between speech—not as forms of negation, but as complex generators of meaning. In 2011, Norte Maar presented the artist's first installations related to her intense investigation into sound.

Your relationship with Norte Maar dates back to an amazing installation at the apartment gallery on Wyckoff Avenue in Bushwick. Can you talk a little about your connection to NM and its mission?

Norte Maar has been incredibly supportive and since the show, concrete sound, at the beautiful apartment gallery in Bushwick, we've worked together on various sound pieces, performances, a collaborative publication with poet and friend Christine Shan Shan Hou, and now this print series. Jason's energy seems endless, he is a conduit that draws artists together.

Tell us about this new print publication?

This is a series that I began as an Artist in Residence at the Bemis Center for Contemporary Art in Omaha, Nebraska (Sept-Nov 2014). Most of these images are made from found magazines and discarded catalogs. I love how collage lends itself to an abstract language, a quick and playful way to juxtapose meaning and invent a sense of wonder, through objects, materiality and the page. These pieces in particular express my ongoing investigations with sound.

The relationship of your work with sound is much like dance, it's ephemeral?

My relationship to sound often stems from an interest in the voice, the materiality of language and forms of communication. I love how sound, like voice, has no boundary, it travels and is porous, it can't be contained. Something to celebrate and remember as we enter a new political climate. There is a crack in everything. That's how the light gets in. (Leonard Cohen)

About Audra Wolowiec

Wolowiec's work has been shown internationally and in the United States at MASS MoCA, Socrates Sculpture Park, Art in General, Norte Maar, Studio 10, REVERSE, The Poetry Project, Jordan Schnitzer Museum of Art and Center for Performance Research. Featured in BOMB, Modern Painters, Brooklyn Rail, The New York Times, Time Out NY, Sound American, and reductive journal. Residencies include Bemis Center for Contemporary Art and Complex Systems Art and Physics Residency at the University of Oregon. She was the inaugural Artist Educator in Residence at Dia:Beacon and currently teaches at SUNY Purchase and Parsons School of Design. She is based between New York City and Detroit.

Peter Freeby

I design and build books, periodicals, brand materials, websites and marketing for a range of artists, non profits and educational programs including Elizabeth Murray, Jack Tworkov, Edith Schloss, Janice Biala, Joan Witek, George McNeil, Judy Dolnick, Jordan Eagles, John Silvis, Diane Von Furstenberg, The Generations Project, The Koch Institute, The McCandlish Phillips Journalism Institute and the Dow Jones News Fund.

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The time of the lone wolf is over...