Pin the Tail on the Tiger: a new publication from NM!

Norte Maar, Pin the Tail on the Tiger, Bob Holman, Jessica Weiss, Brooklyn, poetry, collaboration

Norte Maar is please to announce our thirteenth poet/artist collaborative publication! Pin the Tail on the Tiger includes 12 poems by Bob “Dean of the Scene” Holman and art by Jessica Weiss. This publication joins the list of limited edition publications by Norte Maar.

Join us for our book launch featuring Bob Holman!

Sunday, May 22 at 4pm
Outlet Fine Art
253 Wilson Avenue, Brooklyn
Seating is limited

Purchase your advance copy of this limited edition ($40)

Norte Maar, Pin the Tail on the Tiger, Bob Holman, Jessica Weiss, Brooklyn, poetry, collaboration

Bob Holman is an American poet and poetry activist, most closely identified with the oral tradition, the spoken word, and slam poetry. As a promoter of poetry across all media, Holman has been dubbed "Poetry Czar" (Village Voice), and "Dean of the Scene" (Seventeen Magazine). Holman studied poetry at Columbia where he now teaches. He has spent decades working as an author, editor, publisher, performer, emcee of live events, director of theatrical productions, producer of films and television programs, record label executive, university professor, nonprofit poetry organization administrator, and archivist; he is the founder/artistic director of the Bowery Poetry Club. He has published sixteen works of poetry including Sing This One Back To Me (Coffee House Press: 2013) and A Couple of Ways of Doing Something (Aperture: 2003), a collaboration with Chuck Close. He is currently touring two endangered language films: Khonsay: A Poem of Many Tongues, with each line from a different endangered/minority tongue; and Language Matters with Bob Holman, a two-hour PBS special produced/directed by David Grubin.

Jessica Weissis a native New Yorker who lives and works in Gowanus, Brooklyn. Whimsical, impish, and frolicsome, her paintings are the accumulation of decades of accomplished and focused observation of pattern and decoration. Well over twenty years ago, Weiss began pasting wallpaper into her work as a way of introducing ideas about domesticity. She soon incorporated these readymade motifs into a unique painterly language all her own. Weiss builds her imagery through silkscreens and collage, layering patterns as one might do a brush stroke. She is a master at manipulating the found motifs inherent in the scavenged wallpaper to play multiples roles in her canvases—those of containing gestural, narrative, and even darker psychological suggestions. Weiss is a recipient of a National Endowment for the Arts’ Fellowship in Painting (’89). Solo exhibitions include Outlet Fine Art (’16), A. M. Richard Fine Art (’08, ‘06), Nicole Klagsbrun Gallery (‘92). Recent group exhibitions include Interior Motif at The Painting Center (’15) and between a place and candy: new works in pattern + repetition + motif at 1285 Avenue of the Americas Gallery (’15).

Norte Maar for Collaborative Projects in the Arts is a 501(c)3 non-profit arts organization founded in 2004 by curator Jason Andrew and choreographer Julia K. Gleich with a founding mission to create, promote, and present collaborations among the visual, literary and performing arts to connect emerging artistic communities and unite cultural forces to foster artistic expression and raise the imaginative energy in us all.This publication marks the thirteen writer/poet/artist collaborations initiated and produced by Norte Maar. Other publications include: Tobacco Hour by Dara Mandle with art by Brece Honeycutt (‘14), A Modicum of Mankind: new short stories by John Talbird with art by Leslie Kerby (’14), JACK by Mika Gellman with illustrations by Steve Harding (’13), Bodies, Voids and a Tale of Seas by Paul D’Agostino (‘12), Concrete Sound: new poems by Christine Shan Shan Hou with illustrations by Audra Wolowiec (‘11), Untitled: new poems by Jerome Sala with art by Tamara Gonzales (‘11).

Peter Freeby

I design and build books, periodicals, brand materials, websites and marketing for a range of artists, non profits and educational programs including Elizabeth Murray, Jack Tworkov, Edith Schloss, Janice Biala, Joan Witek, George McNeil, Judy Dolnick, Jordan Eagles, John Silvis, Diane Von Furstenberg, The Generations Project, The Koch Institute, The McCandlish Phillips Journalism Institute and the Dow Jones News Fund.

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