Are you ready? NM's most ambitious project to date!


Norte Maar, Brooklyn Performance Combine, Brooklyn, Bushwick, art, dance, poetry

Norte Maar announces its most ambitious performance event to date! The Brooklyn Performance Combine brings 5 poets, 11 visual artists, and 10 performing artists into a single two hour durational event in the Beaux-Arts Court at the Brooklyn Museum on November 1, 7-9pm. The event is free. For more information click here.

The event includes appearances and performances by:

DJ jojoSOUL.DJ jojoSOUL has performed in some of Brooklyn's most exciting venues, including clubs, bars and galleries, since 2002. A professional DJ/percussionist, he currently teaches Drum Set privately and Rhythm Percussion at The Williamsburg Movement and Arts Center, Brooklyn, NY and Great South Bay Dance Studio, Amityville, NY. He hosts a weekly live broadcast, Spread the JAM, featuring local Brooklyn music, art, poetry, and comedy talent, heard at -Mondays, 8pm EST.

Poets/Writers:Paul D’Agostino.Paul D’Agostino is an artist, writer, translator and professor living in Bushwick, Brooklyn where he has been curating art exhibits at Centotto, otherwise known as the living room of his shared loft, since 2008. He holds a Ph.D. in Italian Literature and is Adjunct Assistant Professor in the Department of Modern Languages and Literatures at CUNY Brooklyn College where he also works in the Art Department as a writing adviser. D’Agostino writes and translates a number of languages, primarily Italian, German, French, Spanish and English. He is Art Editor at The L Magazine, Assistant Editor of The Journal of Italian Translation and co-founder of After Vasaria blog devoted to art writing.

Elaine Equi.Elaine Equi is the author of many collections of poetry, including Voice-Over, which won the San Francisco State Poetry Award;  Ripple Effect: New & Selected Poems, which was a finalist for the L.A. Times Book Award and on the short list for The Griffin Poetry Prize; and most recently, Click and Clone. A new book, Sentences and Rain, is forthcoming in 2015. Widely published and anthologized, her work has appeared in The Nation, Poetry, The New Yorker, and several editions of The Best American Poetry. She teaches at New York University and in the MFA Program at The New School.

Mika Harding.Mika Harding is a poet and curator that lives and works in Brooklyn, NY.

Jerome Sala."Though slight of frame, Jerome Sala was the first heavyweight champion of poetry. But to prevent poetic punch-drunkeness, he abdicated his crown after only two bouts. From this auspicious beginning, his work has continued to duke it out with convention in cult classics like Spaz Attack, I Am Not a Juvenile Delinquent, The Trip, and Raw Deal. His poems and essays have appeared widely, in such publications as Rolling Stone, Conjunctions, the World, Boundary 2, SHINY, and many others. Over the years, he developed an insider’s knowledge of media effects, through working for various ad agencies and corporations as a copywriter and creative director. He has been called an “honorable hysteric” by poet/critic Peter Schjeldahl and is widely know as one of the funniest poets around. He lives in New York City with his wife, poet Elaine Equi." -Vincent Katz

Sarah Schmerler.Sarah Schmerler is a writer, curator, and artist who lives and works in Brooklyn. Her reviews and articles on Brooklyn artists have been published in Art in America, The New York Post, The New York Times, The Village Voice, and TimeOut New York. She teaches artists how to empower themselves through the written word and does private art-career consulting.

Painters/Sculptors:Amy Feldman, painterRyan Michael Ford, painterTamara Gonzales, painterSusanna Heller, painterBrooke Moyse, painterLoren Munk, painterJessica Weiss, painterRachel Beach, sculptorBen Godward, sculptorJim Osman, sculptor

Performers:Josh Henderson (Violist)Josh Henerson is enjoying a multi-faceted career as a cross-genre violinist, violist, and composer. As a Classical musician, he has performed as a soloist with the Cincinnati Chamber Orchestra, China Performing Arts Broadcasting Troupe, The Starling Chamber Orchestra, Accent X Festival Orchestra, Colour of Music Festival Orchestra, Bard Conductors Festival Orchestra,  Contemporaneous, Ensemble Du Monde, and the CCM Showcase Orchestra and in venues such as Carnegie Hall, The Kennedy Center, Munich's Gasteig, and The Forbidden City Concert Hall of Beijing. He regularly collaborator with Gleich Dances and Brooklyn Ballet among others.

Allie Pizzo (Tap dancer)Tap Dancer Allie Pizzo is currently a member of Andrew Nemr's Cats Paying Dues based in Manhattan. She graduated from Pennsylvania State University with a BFA Musical Theatre. A proud member of Actor's Equity, Allie has performed in regional theaters throughout the country. She is currently working on the development of a new show, STReeT/FeaT, a tap-based narrative set to perform in San Francisco and Paris in early 2015.

Jeff Feld (Artist)In his art, Jeff Feld references everyday objects, forms, and materials to illustrate and draw attention to the banalities, imperfections, and shifting meanings of the social and physical environments we encounter every day. The confounded condition of the things he make resonates with what he observes in the world. His objects speak to problems that are essential to all manner of relationships: promises are broken and the actual falls short of the expectation. For Brooklyn Performance Combine, Feld will be performing the only part of Robert Rauschenberg's "Pelican" that he knows.

Mariel Roberts performing Tristan Perich’s piece for solo cello and six-channel 1-bit electronics.“Trailblazing” cellist Mariel Roberts (Feast of Sounds) is quickly gaining recognition as a deeply dedicated interpreter and performer of contemporary music. Recent performances have garnered praise for her “technical flair and exquisite sensitivity” (American Composers Forum), as well as her ability to “couple youthful vision with startling maturity”. (InDigest Magazine). She holds degrees from both the Eastman School and the Manhattan School of Music where she specialized in contemporary performance practice while studying with Alan Harris and Fred Sherry. Mariel performs internationally as a member of the Mivos String Quartet, and has performed with a variety of other ensembles in venues around the world as an advocate of living composers.

Tristan Perich.Tristan Perich's (New York) work is inspired by the aesthetic simplicity of math, physics and code. The WIRE Magazine describes his compositions as "an austere meeting of electronic and organic." 1-Bit Music, his 2004 release, was the first album ever released as a microchip, programmed to synthesize his electronic composition live. His latest circuit album, 1-Bit Symphony (Cantaloupe, 2010) has received critical acclaim, been called "sublime" (New York Press), and The Wall Street Journal said "its oscillations have an intense, hypnotic force and a surprising emotional depth." His award winning work coupling 1-bit electronics with traditional forms in both music (Active Field, Observations) and visual art (Machine Drawings, Microtonal Wall) has been presented around the world from Sonar and Ars Electronica to the Whitney Museum and bitforms gallery.

Gleich Dances.Bridging the gap between the traditional and the contemporary, Gleich Dances is a transatlantic ballet company based in London and Brooklyn, founded by Julia K Gleich. Gleich Dances, which began as A Coterie of Dancers in 1993 in Jackson Hole (WY) and later became Gleich Dances in 1995. The company has been seen throughout the United States and in the UK. Recognized for scrapping aesthetic labels while remaining technically distinct, the company offers a variety of expression through color, dynamics, grids and mathematics. Never strictly abstract nor narrative, Gleich’s choreography is sympathetic to contemporary life and even pedestrian at times. For the Brooklyn Performance Combine, members of the Brooklyn Ballet Youth Ensemble will be performing with Gleich Dances.

William Powhida.Quite possibly the most provocative contemporary artist working today, William Powhida has set a career satirizing the goings and comings of the Art World, its people and its politics. He is a self-proclaimed G-E-N-I-U-S and habitual critic of the art world.  Powhida lives and works in New York. He studied painting at Syracuse University where he easily received a B.F.A with honors and scored an M.F.A. from the nicely remodeled Hunter College program. He has exhibited internationally in New York, Los Angles, Seattle, London, Madrid, Miami, Chicago, Copenhagen, Austria, Dublin and even the Canary Islands. Recent shows include Unretrospective at Platform Gallery, Overculture at Postmasters Gallery, and Bill by Bill at Charlie James Gallery, which have left people slightly confused.

Tiffany Mills.Tiffany Mills is choreographer and artistic director of the NYC-based Tiffany Mills Company. Her dance/theater work focuses on human relationships, is grounded in partnering and fueled by collaboration across mediums. Mills moved to NYC in 1995, formed her Company in 2000 and has created 21 works performed at such venues as BAM Fisher, Danspace Project’s City/Dans, Baryshnikov Arts Center, Guggenheim Museum Works & Process, Lincoln Center Out-of-Doors, PICA’s TBA Festival (Oregon), Wexner Center for the Arts (Ohio) and in Mexico, Canada, Italy and Russia. Recent residencies: CUNY Dance Initiative, Baryshnikov Arts Center and The Joyce. Guest teaching: Tisch Summer Intensive, Gibney Dance Center, Dance New Amsterdam, Trisha Brown Studios, ACDFA, universities nationally, dance festivals nationally and internationally.

The Vangeline Theater.Vangeline Theater is a dance company firmly rooted in the tradition of Japanese Butoh (the Japanese dance form that developed after Hiroshima) while carrying it into the 21st century. Since its inception in 2002, Vangeline Theater has fused the post-apocalyptic vision of Butoh with the near-cinematic aesthetic of 21st Century science-fiction noir. The company has been heralded in several national publications (The New York Times, Los Angeles Times) and won an honorable mention from Time Out Chicago for one of the best dance visits of 2011.

Edisa Weeks / DELIRIOUS Dances.Choreographer Edisa Weeks formed DELIRIOUS Dances to empower people through the immediacy of dance. Weeks creates intimate environments that merge theater with dance in order to deliriously explore our deepest desires, darkest fears and dearest dreams. The company will be performing experts from "Enchanted" featuring dancers Angel Chinn, Joshua Dunn and Devin Oshiro with costumes by Meghan E. Healey and Mirembe Designs.

Peter Freeby

I design and build books, periodicals, brand materials, websites and marketing for a range of artists, non profits and educational programs including Elizabeth Murray, Jack Tworkov, Edith Schloss, Janice Biala, Joan Witek, George McNeil, Judy Dolnick, Jordan Eagles, John Silvis, Diane Von Furstenberg, The Generations Project, The Koch Institute, The McCandlish Phillips Journalism Institute and the Dow Jones News Fund.

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