2012 recap and celebrating John Cage


2012 was an amazing year for Norte Maar with a number of stellar programs, exhibition, and events.

Here are some highlights:Norte Maar, John Cage, Cage Transmitted, performanceCage Transmitted Series.What began initially as a 12 evening program celebrating the centennial of the life and work of experimental composer John Cage, quickly turned into an amazing year with countless performances, lectures, talks, and events include collaborations with and performances at other venues and organizations. The year began on January 24 with a dance performance in Norte Maar's apartment gallery and ended in a final performance celebrating the 'end of the world' and the end of the series on December 20 at English Kills Gallery. You can read a recap of the series here

Norte Maar, ballet, Brodmann AreasThe Brodmann Areas.Probably one of the most successful Norte Maar performance collaborations to date, The Brodmann Areas brought together an array of artists and a neuro-scientist to present a ballet that dives literally head first into the gaps and synapses that define the 52 areas designating the regions of the cerebral cortex of the brain. The Brodmann Areas was named one of the Best Brooklyn Art Shows of 2012 by L Magazine. You can read more about the collaborative ballet here.

 Norte Maar, CounterPointe, Brooklyn Ballet, women choreographersCounterPointe.In September, we curated our first evening of ballet dedicated to presenting the latest experimental, innovative, risk-taking choreography by women dance makers working with the pointe shoe. The event was called CounterPointe and was organized in collaboration with Brooklyn Ballet. It opened up discussion, creating a forum for women, young or old, emerging or established, to take risks. You can read more about CounterPointe hereNorte Maar, To be a Lady, women in the artsTo Be a Lady.Of the many exhibitions mounted by Norte Maar in 2012, To be a Lady, which opened on September 24 was epic. Curated by Jason Andrew, the exhibition has received critical acclaim for its broad scope across the years including primary examples of historic works by women artists and the juxtaposition of such works with mid-career and emerging women artists. The show was hailed as Best Museum Show not offered by a Museum in 2012 by Hyperallergic. The exhibition has been extended through March 22. You can read more about To be a Lady here. To see a complete list of our 2012 projects and those ongoing you can go here.

Peter Freeby

I design and build books, periodicals, brand materials, websites and marketing for a range of artists, non profits and educational programs including Elizabeth Murray, Jack Tworkov, Edith Schloss, Janice Biala, Joan Witek, George McNeil, Judy Dolnick, Jordan Eagles, John Silvis, Diane Von Furstenberg, The Generations Project, The Koch Institute, The McCandlish Phillips Journalism Institute and the Dow Jones News Fund.


To be a Lady... extended through March 22.


NM announces the final Cage Transmitted Event!