Norte Maar Takes Miami

Last week, our project assistant Hannah Daly reported from the front lines of the whirlwind of Miami Art Week 2011. Daly waded through the convention center, ultimately concluding the most interesting elements included in the tenth anniversary edition of Art Basel Miami Beach were those either recently created or site-specific. Context continued to be theme of the week, with reports from Aqua Art Fair, Fountain and Seven, all of which rework the very notion of a fair itself, utilizing alternative spaces and renegade curating. Our coverage also featured highlights from NADA, Pulse, and Art Miami. Notable works presented broad, interdisciplinary visions, pulling from dynamic media, like sound and motion, to create pieces that, though based in the visual, referred outward to many other art forms. After inhaling an overwhelming amount of artwork, in the best of ways, there was just enough time to have a little fun.For the complete series, please visit our tumblr.

Peter Freeby

I design and build books, periodicals, brand materials, websites and marketing for a range of artists, non profits and educational programs including Elizabeth Murray, Jack Tworkov, Edith Schloss, Janice Biala, Joan Witek, George McNeil, Judy Dolnick, Jordan Eagles, John Silvis, Diane Von Furstenberg, The Generations Project, The Koch Institute, The McCandlish Phillips Journalism Institute and the Dow Jones News Fund.

Holiday Celebration


Artist Audra Wolowiec featured on KCLOG.