Norte Maar brings infusion of culture to young students

 Norte Maar brings infusion of culture to young studentsby Jeremiah S. Papineau, North Countryman, Plattsubrgh, NYNorte Maar's Latin Culture day at Peru Intermediate School was featured on the front page of North Countryman. The event included dance and music performances.

Peter Freeby

I design and build books, periodicals, brand materials, websites and marketing for a range of artists, non profits and educational programs including Elizabeth Murray, Jack Tworkov, Edith Schloss, Janice Biala, Joan Witek, George McNeil, Judy Dolnick, Jordan Eagles, John Silvis, Diane Von Furstenberg, The Generations Project, The Koch Institute, The McCandlish Phillips Journalism Institute and the Dow Jones News Fund.

Against Chelsea: A DIY Art Scene Grows in Brooklyn


Authors and Artists with Austin Thomas