Norte Maar's Third Thursdays

Norte Maar's Third Thursdaysby Talisa ChangThe Greenpoint Gazette, March 25, 2010 David Powers stands at the front of the small, bright white room, the rough but elegant found-wood sculptures of Norman Jabaut hanging serenely around him. About a dozen guests sit cozily amongst pink, white, and red chairs, waiting attentively for the young musician, artist, poet and MC/DJ to begin.Out of his element, without the usual hip-hop beats behind him, Powers’ voice retains a raw and musical quality to it as he recites his poems, kaleidoscopic narratives that zoom in and out, weaving their way from the J train platform, through Brooklyn and Manhattan, out towards the sun and the universe and back into apartments, bathrooms, alleys. He speaks with eyes closed, calm and articulate, with his hands moving in rhythm as if to punctuate his words.Read more =>

Peter Freeby

I design and build books, periodicals, brand materials, websites and marketing for a range of artists, non profits and educational programs including Elizabeth Murray, Jack Tworkov, Edith Schloss, Janice Biala, Joan Witek, George McNeil, Judy Dolnick, Jordan Eagles, John Silvis, Diane Von Furstenberg, The Generations Project, The Koch Institute, The McCandlish Phillips Journalism Institute and the Dow Jones News Fund.

Authors and Artists with Austin Thomas


Wyckoff Avenue's own Puerto Rico Day parade