Fete De Danse 2006: Happy Feet and Historical Fundraisers

Happy Feet and Historical FundraisersBy Keshia Clukey, Contributing WriterJill - a magazine for today's women, Jun 26, 2006 Norte Maar specializes each year in presenting as well as encouraging the arts in the North Country. Director Jason Andrew stated, "You can do it, we can help you!" He eagerly described the company as a way to connect artists with other artists as well as venues to display their talents.Focusing mainly on the Northen Tier of New York, Norte Maar has become a unique and ever growing organization supporting literary, visual, and performing arts. The name, "Norte Maar", refers to the North Sea and Dora Maar, who was the wife and inspiration of artist Pablo Picasso.It offers a number of events throughout the summer beginning with a photo exhibition gesturing the intensity and talent of Nureyev. The gallery will consist of photos from the Robes of Time, some of which have not been seen since 1970. The Ropes of Time is a landmark in not only dance, but also sound because it was the first time recorded music was used in Royal Ballet history. This will be held at the Julian Scott Memorial Gallery in Johnson, Vermont from June 26 through August 5.Also Norte Maar will be presenting The Fred Astaire and Ginger Rogers Show at 20 Pratt Street, Rouses Point. This show spotlights photographs as well as films of the dance duo. The exhibition will be from July 6 through 31, with the opening reception being on Thursday, July 13 6-8p.m.Norte Maar will be offering the Summer Conservatory for third time. North Country artists have difficulty securing the connections and funding necessary for the next level of their learning but Summer Conservatory offers a chance. From July 17 to 28 dancers from around the area as well as New York City, and even Quebec, have a chance to study under professional instructors and dance masters. Classes for intermediate to advanced students will be held at the Civic Center, Rouses Point. This year classes will also be offered to adult beginners, a chance to expand their flexibility with a sort of pilates-ballet workout. Master teachers include Julia K. Gleich from London and Ernesta Corvino from New York City.As if that's not enough, Norte Maar will hold the third annual Fete De Danse at the Civic Center in Rouses Point on July 27 at 7:30p.m. This concert "has a huge variety", said Norte Maar President Julia Gleich. "You get a little bit of everything." With a combination of dancers featuring Gleich Dances Contemporary Ballet of London and and New York City, joined by the Burklyn Ballet Theatre of Vermont, Racoco Productions from New York City, the Short School of Irish Dancing from Montreal, and other guests, the dance concert is sure to be a hit as in previous summers. The proceeds from this event go to the old train station.Gleich and Andrew do not stop there, but continue with the Wal-Mart Ballet. Also in its third year, the ballet is actually performed right outside of Wal-Mart in the Consumer Plaza, Plattburgh. "Ballet is notorious for being inaccessible", explains Andrew. With this ballet however, cost and location are not an obstacle. On Saturday, July 29, there will be performances every half hour from 11a.m. to 12 noon, bringing the show to you while you shop. Gleich choreographs the performance with a blend of classic dance mixed with modern dance; this year's theme is the Romantic ballet  La Sylphide. The event originally began at a downtown festival in New York City. From dancing in a drained pool, to dancing in front of a busy store, the performance begins to grow every year.The diversity and culture of these events this summer combine to become SummerDAnce: RP06, " a month-long celebration of art and performance in the Village of Rouses Point" presented by Norte Maar.For more information visit nortemaar.org or call Director Jason Andrew at (646) 361-8512. 

Peter Freeby

I design and build books, periodicals, brand materials, websites and marketing for a range of artists, non profits and educational programs including Elizabeth Murray, Jack Tworkov, Edith Schloss, Janice Biala, Joan Witek, George McNeil, Judy Dolnick, Jordan Eagles, John Silvis, Diane Von Furstenberg, The Generations Project, The Koch Institute, The McCandlish Phillips Journalism Institute and the Dow Jones News Fund.


Breaking Boundaries, Partners in Crime: an Interview with Julia K. Gleich and Jason Andrew


Rouses Point a key site