Nureyev: A night of art exhibition

Rudolf Nureyev in "Thge Ropes of Time"North Countryman, October 9, 2004By Thomas Grant BrusoThe opening gala at Norte Maar will be a night to remember.On Oct. 22, from 7-9 p.m. at Norte Maar in Rouses Point, an opening gala will display various works by photographers and, of course, the evening will highlight works by Rudolf Nureyev. The event will be held to benefit the AIDS Council of Northeastern New York.Norte Maar will present Nureyev: "The Ropes of Time," an exhibition of photographs featuring the Russian-born ballet dancer Rudolf Nureyev in his 1970 performance of the ballet, "The Ropes of Time."Norte Maar was established in 2007 by a visual artist and a choreographer to encourage and support innovative projects in music, dance, and the visual arts. Recent projects have included: The Walmart Ballet; Dance Plattsburgh: a workshop with international ballet choreograpger Julia K. Gleich; Fete de Danse: A Summer Dance Concert; and Art at Evergreen: rotating contemporary art exhibition series.The event will showcase different facets of personality and artistry, ranging from a handful of artists.Twenty four black and white photographs will feature Nureyev performing his star role as "The Traveler" captured in prints by legendary dance photographer Leslie E. Spatt, and others by Frederika Davis, Edward Griffiths, and Louis Peres. That night, people will also catch other exhibits: two lithographs, portraits of Nureyev, by Andy Warhol.The evening will be filled with history and entertainment. People who attend the event will be educated and enlightened on the life of Rudolf Nuryev spanning from 1938-1993. The period delves into the life of one of the most dramatic images of the 20th century. Overnight, Nureyev became a superstar, as renowned for his flamboyant lifestyle and his fearsome artistry. Nureyev also danced more than 40 roles over a period of 28 years with the Royal Ballet, London. "The Ropes of Time" premiered March 2, 1970, and was the first full-scale ballet created specifically for Nureyev by choreographer Rudy van Dantzig.The event will not only entertain people, but educate them as well. Norte Maar will illustrate what it has offered to audiences in the past. The evening will depict Norte Maar's unique exhibition opportunities and the unusual performances that it presented to the residents of the Northern Tier of New York.Tickets are $20 in advance, $25 at the door (business attire requested). The evening will include light hors d'oeuvres and wine tasting by Smithfield Discount Liquors. Following the opening gala, the exhibition will be open to the public by appointment only. Call (518)-297-3793 for additional information and tickets, or visit event will help benefit the AIDS Council of Northeast New York. This is a not-for-profit human service agency whose mission is to reduce the risk, fear and incidence of HIV/AIDS and promote understanding of their needs. Visit for more information about the AIDS Council and its services.

Peter Freeby

I design and build books, periodicals, brand materials, websites and marketing for a range of artists, non profits and educational programs including Elizabeth Murray, Jack Tworkov, Edith Schloss, Janice Biala, Joan Witek, George McNeil, Judy Dolnick, Jordan Eagles, John Silvis, Diane Von Furstenberg, The Generations Project, The Koch Institute, The McCandlish Phillips Journalism Institute and the Dow Jones News Fund.

Photos of famed Russian dancer on display


Fete de Danse 2004 - a summer dance concert to benefit Rouses Point Historical Society